Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
10129 | Alzeya | Will o' the Wisp | Voodoo Princess | 55 | CON 500 | Act XI | +17 Fine Festooned Plasma Vambraces | Innoculate LXXIV | Viva La Battle Yak! |
10130 | serty2 | Will o' the Wisp | Mage Illusioner | 55 | WIS 801 | Act XI | +24 Studded Fine Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Clever Fellow LXXI | uhhh??? |
10131 | Zotan | Enchanted Motorcycle | Robot Monk | 55 | DEX 501 | Act XI | +29 Gilded Holy Mithril Mail Greaves | Innoculate XCIV | Det Er Bedre Å Drepe Selv! |
10132 | PuBu | Trans-Kobold | Puma Burgular | 55 | CON 531 | Act XI | +28 Impressive Festooned Kevlar Vambraces | Invisible Hands XCIII | |
10133 | Droxx | Talking Pony | Tongueblade | 55 | DEX 624 | Act XI | +40 Studded Fine Tower Shield | Sadness XC | Can anyone port me to the Dreadlands? |
10134 | Zalphod | Double Hobbit | Tickle-Mimic | 55 | CHA 483 | Act XI | +31 Impressive Holy Chainmail Gambeson | Hydrophobia LXVII | Double Hobbits do it Double Time |
10135 | Marrissa | Will o' the Wisp | Voodoo Princess | 55 | WIS 677 | Act XI | +19 Impressive Plasma Helm | Invisible Hands LXXIX | |
10136 | Dawg | Panda Man | Tongueblade | 55 | INT 739 | Act XI | +27 Custom Fine Mithril Mail Gambeson | Mulligan LIX | |
10137 | Solhatt | Enchanted Motorcycle | Robot Monk | 55 | STR 563 | Act XI | +41 Gilded Baroque Shield | Curse Name XLIII | Fear my Cpuwasting skills |
10138 | DJBrannon Cannon | Skraeling | Lowling | 55 | WIS 734 | Act XI | +23 Festooned Fine Diamond Mail Sollerets | Holy Batpole LXVIII | Poom Boop! |
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