Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
10258 | Puffkin | Double Wookiee | Lowling | 54 | CHA 632 | Act X | +15 Festooned Impressive Plasma Gauntlets | Mulligan XLVIII | Benny Hill? |
10259 | popper | Double Wookiee | Tickle-Mimic | 54 | DEX 416 | Act X | +31 Studded Fine ABS Brassairts | Sadness LXXXIX | this has to be the dumbest game ever! part 2 |
10260 | KidKlept0 | Skraeling | Hunter Strangler | 54 | WIS 445 | Act X | +17 Holy Gilded Plasma Hauberk | Cone of Annoyance LXVIII | I Kill my Kittens all the time! |
10261 | ZeusII | Crested Dwarf | Fighter/Organist | 54 | DEX 729 | Act X | +27 Impressive Banded Titanium Sollerets | Spectral Miasma LVIII | Living on a dream! ^_^ |
10262 | Comebife | Half Man | Inner Mason | 54 | WIS 585 | Act X | +17 Festooned Custom Plasma Gauntlets | Hydrophobia LXX | This is funnier than defragging, but not much. |
10263 | BuffySparticus | Eel Man | Tickle-Mimic | 54 | CON 459 | Act X | +25 Banded Cambric Diamond Mail Brassairts | Gyp LXXXV | No one can stop Mr. Domino! |
10264 | MrEricSir | Eel Man | Robot Monk | 54 | CON 833 | Act X | +18 Holy Cambric Plasma Helm | Invisible Hands LXXXIII | Big Brother is watching. Dress accordingly. |
10265 | I Wanna Pee!!!!!! | Double Wookiee | Bastard Lunatic | 54 | INT 451 | Act X | +30 Festooned Banded Magnetic Field | Sadness LXXV | too late! kinda warm though. |
10266 | Bark Masterson | Trans-Kobold | Mu-Fu Monk | 54 | INT 531 | Act X | +31 Gilded Cambric Titanium Sollerets | Spectral Miasma LXII | |
10267 | Shadow26 | Demicanadian | Bastard Lunatic | 54 | CHA 462 | Act X | +32 Festooned Gilded Platemail Brassairts | Aqueous Humor LXXX | the goblins will eat you |
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