Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
10298 | Matt5090 | Double Hobbit | Robot Monk | 54 | DEX 931 | Act XI | +28 Gilded Fine Mithril Mail Brassairts | Spectral Miasma LXXIII | |
10299 | Diablos | Crested Dwarf | Shiv-Knight | 54 | CON 438 | Act X | +24 Fine Diamond Mail Greaves | Clever Fellow LXIX | |
10300 | Daos | Panda Man | Shiv-Knight | 54 | CHA 556 | Act XI | +30 Impressive Cambric Magnetic Field | Mulligan LVI | ARR!!! |
10301 | Rowanne | Talking Pony | Mage Illusioner | 54 | CON 684 | Act X | +21 Impressive Banded Diamond Mail Helm | Holy Batpole XLVIII | |
10302 | Squegie T Sanest | Crested Dwarf | Mage Illusioner | 54 | INT 780 | Act X | +42 Steely Bastard Sword | Eye of the Troglodyte XLVII | The order of the Squegi` shall prevail. |
10303 | Freyalith | Greater Gnome | Runeloremaster | 54 | INT 949 | Act X | +28 Festooned Gilded Mithril Mail Gambeson | Aqueous Humor LXXXIV | |
10304 | SaK | Gyrognome | Bastard Lunatic | 54 | INT 515 | Act XI | +41 Gilded Cambric Ringmail Greaves | Braingate LVII | No Comment. |
10305 | AllmightyBastardo | Eel Man | Bastard Lunatic | 54 | STR 537 | Act XI | +22 Gilded Plasma Gauntlets | Clever Fellow LXIX | Go figure! The ferrets smoke toner. |
10306 | Kony Shinazai | Half Man | Robot Monk | 54 | STR 714 | Act XI | +37 Impressive Custom Tower Shield | Mulligan LXVII | No pain, no gain! |
10307 | Karisitha | Talking Pony | Voodoo Princess | 54 | WIS 736 | Act X | +29 Fine Mithril Mail Gambeson | Mulligan LIV | If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, then beat 'em. |
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