Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
10338 | Noslednem | Trans-Kobold | Battle-Felon | 54 | DEX 609 | Act XI | +23 Gilded Holy Diamond Mail Gambeson | Mulligan LIX | i'll kill them with one hand tied behind my back |
10339 | EddyBaby | Half Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 54 | CHA 665 | Act XI | +31 Gilded Studded Mithril Mail Cuisses | Lockjaw LX | Kill all humans! |
10340 | Mistwell | Skraeling | Ur-Paladin | 54 | CON 439 | Act X | +31 Studded Gilded Titanium Sollerets | Seasick LXXXII | The guy ahead of me cheated! |
10341 | axlrose | Enchanted Motorcycle | Fighter/Organist | 54 | WIS 466 | Act XI | +28 Impressive Cambric Mithril Mail Gambeson | Good Move XCIV | |
10342 | Leatherneck | Half Man | Hunter Strangler | 54 | STR 552 | Act X | +17 Custom Festooned Plasma Brassairts | Dropsy XLIII | Seek, fetch and deliver yourself. I just kill thi |
10343 | Ravenatmore | Eel Man | Ur-Paladin | 54 | WIS 539 | Act X | +37 Steely Vicious Halberd | Invisible Hands LXXVIII | It's all in the reflexes baby! |
10344 | Shansino | Half Orc | Shiv-Knight | 54 | DEX 570 | Act X | +37 Dancing Steely Lance | Hydrophobia LXIII | MUAHUAHUA!!! |
10345 | Superpony | Talking Pony | Mu-Fu Monk | 54 | INT 519 | Act X | +31 Banded Custom ABS Gambeson | Revolting Cloud LVII | I am the best talking pony. |
10346 | Aephos | Double Wookiee | Shiv-Knight | 54 | INT 510 | Act X | +21 Festooned Holy Diamond Mail Brassairts | Hydrophobia LIX | What's up with all the plasma? |
10347 | GizziFurrfoot | Double Hobbit | Runeloremaster | 54 | WIS 634 | Act XI | +22 Festooned Holy Diamond Mail Brassairts | Gyp C |
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