Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
10558 | Mezimir | Greater Gnome | Bastard Lunatic | 54 | STR 434 | Act X | +26 Banded Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Lockjaw LXV | Fortune favors the wicked... |
10559 | Murgos | Battle-Finch | Bastard Lunatic | 54 | STR 630 | Act XI | +33 Holy ABS Greaves | Hydrophobia LXXXII | All for me, NONE for you! |
10560 | Edwin Gravedigger | Demicanadian | Fighter/Organist | 54 | STR 757 | Act X | +18 Impressive Plasma Gambeson | Tumor (Benign) LIX | Can't Jeff this! (Semper Jeff!!!) |
10561 | Kalephunk | Skraeling | Tongueblade | 54 | CON 779 | Act X | +18 Gilded Custom Plasma Hauberk | Innoculate XCIII | Arrrrr, ye scurvey mates. |
10562 | MisterBix | Battle-Finch | Bastard Lunatic | 54 | DEX 534 | Act XI | +28 Custom Festooned Mithril Mail Vambraces | Holy Batpole XLVI | i love finches! |
10563 | Thaddeus | Half Man | Shiv-Knight | 54 | CON 765 | Act XI | +29 Fine Cambric Mithril Mail Sollerets | Cone of Annoyance LXXVII | doink! |
10564 | Wodin | Will o' the Wisp | Mage Illusioner | 54 | WIS 639 | Act X | +32 Fine Gilded Platemail Hauberk | Hastiness LXXXIV | Bored Macalester Student at Work |
10565 | Lucent | Double Wookiee | Robot Monk | 54 | INT 530 | Act X | +34 Festooned Platemail Cuisses | Clever Fellow LX | I rock out with my cock out. |
10566 | Imbecile | Panda Man | Shiv-Knight | 54 | INT 594 | Act X | +20 Cambric Custom Plasma Brassairts | Spectral Miasma LXXX | I shall revenge myself on Wodin! He has wronged me |
10567 | Roachypops | Gyrognome | Bastard Lunatic | 54 | WIS 648 | Act X | +19 Impressive Holy Diamond Mail Sollerets | Seasick LXXX |
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