Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
10568 | Cocedren | Half Man | Battle-Felon | 54 | WIS 939 | Act X | +17 Gilded Holy Plasma Cuisses | Slime Finger XC | I love Jesus |
10569 | toq | Half Man | Robot Monk | 54 | INT 451 | Act X | +17 Festooned Holy Plasma Vambraces | Magnetic Orb LXXXIII | telnet to mud.firesofkaos.com port 5000 |
10570 | RStefan01 | Lesser Dwarf | Bastard Lunatic | 54 | DEX 671 | Act X | +17 Holy Gilded Plasma Hauberk | Lockjaw LXIV | Can you feel The Love? |
10571 | ShortBuss | Double Hobbit | Battle-Felon | 54 | WIS 393 | Act X | +33 Gilded Cambric ABS Helm | Clever Fellow LXXVI | |
10572 | Klaive | Half Man | Robot Monk | 54 | WIS 763 | Act XI | +22 Gilded Impressive Diamond Mail Greaves | Magnetic Orb LXXXIII | A open hand, is still cappable of killing! |
10573 | MongoMike | Demicanadian | Puma Burgular | 54 | WIS 746 | Act XI | +31 Holy Festooned Platemail Gauntlets | Seasick CXXII | |
10574 | JKgsoshjg | Dung Elf | Robot Monk | 54 | WIS 867 | Act XI | +30 Custom Gilded Titanium Vambraces | Magnetic Orb LXXVII | |
10575 | Dyon | Double Hobbit | Voodoo Princess | 54 | CHA 588 | Act X | +23 Holy Banded Diamond Mail Greaves | Lockjaw LXXIII | Asslings 'R Meh! |
10576 | Allya | Low Elf | Voodoo Princess | 54 | INT 452 | Act X | +36 Vicious Venomed Lance | Clever Fellow LXXXIV | |
10577 | Gurglemonster | Battle-Finch | Fighter/Organist | 54 | INT 732 | Act X | +22 Holy Banded Diamond Mail Gambeson | Lockjaw LIII |
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