Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
10678 | KarmaCappa | Half Halfling | Tongueblade | 54 | CHA 362 | Act X | +31 Cambric Custom Kevlar Sollerets | Nestor's Bright Idea LVII | Announcement: There will be no more fun. |
10679 | Shen | Half Man | Runeloremaster | 54 | WIS 881 | Act XI | +33 Banded Studded Magnetic Field | Revolting Cloud LXVII | May the plop be with me |
10680 | CrazySteve | Enchanted Motorcycle | Bastard Lunatic | 54 | WIS 408 | Act X | +16 Fine Festooned Plasma Helm | Holy Batpole LI | Moose! |
10681 | Shen_Malraux | Panda Man | Mage Illusioner | 54 | CON 478 | Act XI | +18 Fine Banded Plasma Vambraces | Mulligan LXVII | May the plop be with me too |
10682 | JJ Radcliffe | Trans-Kobold | Battle-Felon | 54 | CON 535 | Act X | +30 Festooned Banded Kevlar Brassairts | Hydrophobia LV | |
10683 | Ashadeus | Double Wookiee | Tongueblade | 54 | DEX 456 | Act X | +24 Studded Holy Diamond Mail Greaves | Clever Fellow LVII | Shop smart ... shop S-mart! |
10684 | Dirty Hoarder | Demicanadian | Bastard Lunatic | 54 | STR 617 | Act X | +43 Serrated Dancing Mace | Tumor (Benign) LI | my eyes are bleeding. |
10685 | Orm | Low Elf | Lowling | 54 | STR 510 | Act X | +29 Custom Banded Titanium Sollerets | Seasick XCIII | My name is Orm, i will defeat all you non Orm's |
10686 | Penilon, Scrotal Defender | Trans-Kobold | Tickle-Mimic | 54 | CHA 415 | Act XI | +28 Custom Impressive Kevlar Helm | Aqueous Humor LXXVI | |
10687 | Blaisse | Half Orc | Mu-Fu Monk | 54 | CON 709 | Act X | +38 Vicious Poleax | Gyp LXXVII |
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