Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
12081 | Silvian Pureheart | Crested Dwarf | Ur-Paladin | 52 | CHA 352 | Act IX | +15 Gilded Fine Plasma Greaves | Clever Fellow LV | Who you looking at smurf boy? |
12082 | Sliviantre Natuereswraith | Will o' the Wisp | Shiv-Knight | 52 | STR 625 | Act IX | +26 Cambric Holy Mithril Mail Gambeson | Aqueous Humor LVI | Now ya see me...now you don't!...or d |
12083 | m0s-Es the magic nigger | Double Wookiee | Robot Monk | 52 | DEX 456 | Act IX | +29 Stabbity Invisible Poleax | Hydrophobia XXXIX | i like shit ass |
12084 | GreyWylfe | Skraeling | Fighter/Organist | 52 | STR 439 | Act IX | +27 Dancing Vorpal Poleax | Mulligan XLVII | |
12085 | Stinky McPantsalot | Double Hobbit | Bastard Lunatic | 52 | INT 354 | Act IX | +41 Festooned Kite Shield | Big Sister XXXVII | Grr, pants! |
12086 | copper | Demicanadian | Bastard Lunatic | 52 | CON 406 | Act IX | +21 Holy Cambric Diamond Mail Brassairts | Eye of the Troglodyte XXXVIII | this has tobe the dumbest game ever--part 3 |
12087 | fopper | Double Hobbit | Mu-Fu Monk | 52 | DEX 429 | Act IX | +20 Cambric Plasma Vambraces | Revolting Cloud LVI | this has tobe the dumbest game ever-- part 4 |
12088 | Bd Guy | Double Wookiee | Slow Poisoner | 52 | WIS 475 | Act IX | +28 Banded Custom Kevlar Helm | Hydrophobia LI | Team Deloitte! We Suck... |
12089 | RJ the Bunny | Demicanadian | Bastard Lunatic | 52 | CON 580 | Act IX | +24 Holy Custom Mithril Mail Vambraces | Lockjaw LV | If I was a betting man.... |
12090 | Ayisyenmyth | Eel Man | Battle-Felon | 52 | STR 312 | Act IX | +30 Banded Custom Platemail Hauberk | Big Sister XXIX | pick your afro! |
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