Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
1262 | Jimbob Jones | Half Halfling | Battle-Felon | 72 | STR 5867 | Act XXXIV | +40 Festooned Holy Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Cone of Annoyance DCCCLXX | My sharp stick will conquer all! |
1263 | Athos | Panda Man | Robot Monk | 72 | CON 4536 | Act XXXV | +43 Fine Diamond Mail Vambraces | Braingate DL | I am invincible! |
1264 | Eye-D | Eel Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 72 | WIS 5688 | Act XXXIV | +41 Festooned Custom Diamond Mail Cuisses | Revolting Cloud DCCCXV | Godverdomme, ouwe! |
1265 | Chewie the Baka | Double Wookiee | Hunter Strangler | 72 | DEX 9757 | Act XXXIV | +48 Steely Vorpal Bandyclef | Gyp CMXXXVII | Leia alwaya liked the fur better |
1266 | Buhler the Barbaric | Panda Man | Runeloremaster | 72 | INT 7743 | Act XXXIV | +49 Custom Studded Titanium Helm | Spectral Miasma DCCXXXVIII | I Seek the Cameron! |
1267 | Meercat | Double Wookiee | Battle-Felon | 72 | WIS 7459 | Act XXXV | +35 Festooned Holy Plasma Brassairts | Nestor's Bright Idea DCXXXV | AnimeMUCK Raiding Party |
1268 | Reverend Ping | Will o' the Wisp | Runeloremaster | 72 | STR 11768 | Act XXXV | +40 Custom Fine Diamond Mail Brassairts | Cone of Annoyance CMXXXII | THUMBS UP! |
1269 | Crap Mongo | Gyrognome | Hunter Strangler | 72 | CON 9513 | Act XXXV | +36 Impressive Studded Plasma Greaves | Holy Batpole DCLXIII | Cowabunga! |
1270 | GlulpRock | Crested Dwarf | Bastard Lunatic | 72 | CHA 10132 | Act XXXVI | +37 Cambric Holy Plasma Vambraces | Revolting Cloud DCCCXLV | I've Fallen, and can't find my keys! |
1271 | Lyddia | Low Elf | Mage Illusioner | 72 | CHA 8597 | Act XXXVI | +51 Polished Dancing Bandyclef | Clever Fellow DCCCXXXI | Levels are like shopping... the more, the better. |
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