Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
13794 | Chibiness | Will o' the Wisp | Inner Mason | 51 | DEX 422 | Act IX | +18 Festooned Plasma Gambeson | Sadness LXXIV | How's my PQ char doin? |
13795 | Mjookker | Skraeling | Mu-Fu Monk | 51 | DEX 543 | Act VIII | +29 Gilded Festooned Platemail Helm | Mulligan XLVIII | Wut? I can see dead peepol, can I really eat them? |
13796 | Tanig2 | Demicanadian | Tickle-Mimic | 51 | CON 313 | Act VIII | +16 Impressive Holy Diamond Mail Greaves | Tumor (Benign) XXXII | ph34r th3 h0rd3s 0f th3 gr34t n0rth3rn c4n4d4! |
13797 | Smythe | Half Halfling | Fighter/Organist | 51 | WIS 362 | Act IX | +36 Custom Cambric Baroque Shield | Revolting Cloud XLVII | |
13798 | Biggleboy | Panda Man | Bastard Lunatic | 51 | STR 293 | Act IX | +17 Festooned Cambric Plasma Helm | Clever Fellow L | I <3 pie |
13799 | TurfMuffin the Bold | Gyrognome | Tickle-Mimic | 51 | STR 293 | Act IX | +40 Steely Vicious Zip Gun | Innoculate LXVI | I am the real easter bunni! *hophop* *hophop* |
13800 | Grumfie | Half Orc | Mu-Fu Monk | 51 | INT 315 | Act VIII | +20 Custom Festooned Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Magnetic Orb LXVII | Gimme furniture! |
13801 | Clow | Will o' the Wisp | Mage Illusioner | 51 | CON 299 | Act VIII | +28 Festooned Gilded Kevlar Sollerets | Mulligan XL | Clow critically misses the stationary object. |
13802 | puke hurl | Dung Elf | Hunter Strangler | 51 | STR 435 | Act VIII | +26 Impressive Gilded ABS Sollerets | Hydrophobia XL | PORCELAIN GOD |
13803 | Korentsu | Gyrognome | Robot Monk | 51 | STR 274 | Act VIII | +31 Polished Invisible Poleax | Tumor (Benign) XXXV | Who's your super pimp? |
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