Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
13910 | Cubehead's Creation | Demicanadian | Ur-Paladin | 50 | DEX 405 | Act VIII | +17 Fine Festooned Diamond Mail Greaves | Tumor (Benign) XXXIV | |
13911 | Chutta | Double Wookiee | Ur-Paladin | 50 | WIS 323 | Act VIII | +26 Custom Studded Titanium Hauberk | Big Sister XXXVI | I fart therefore I am |
13912 | UmberWolf | Gyrognome | Battle-Felon | 50 | DEX 325 | Act VIII | +21 Banded Studded Diamond Mail Gambeson | Big Sister XXXI | I am the Warus |
13913 | Religiosa | Trans-Kobold | Ur-Paladin | 50 | INT 389 | Act VIII | +32 Stabbity Vicious Culverin | Invisible Hands XLIX | Be Aware ! JCVD ! |
13914 | Badgins | Dung Elf | Voodoo Princess | 50 | CON 264 | Act VIII | +35 Cambric Gilded Baroque Shield | Hydrophobia XLVIII | Ni! |
13915 | Lil Kim | Dung Elf | Mage Illusioner | 50 | CON 451 | Act VIII | +21 Cambric Gilded Diamond Mail Helm | Mulligan XXXII | |
13916 | moooshy | Greater Gnome | Mu-Fu Monk | 50 | INT 286 | Act VIII | +14 Banded Festooned Plasma Gambeson | Tumor (Benign) XXXVII | i'll get you...wallaby |
13917 | LorD eViiL | Gyrognome | Robot Monk | 50 | DEX 289 | Act VIII | +17 Impressive Banded Diamond Mail Brassairts | Braingate XXXVII | ill always be stronger than u! |
13918 | Aaarrhhh | Demicanadian | Tongueblade | 50 | DEX 268 | Act VIII | +28 Banded Titanium Vambraces | Invisible Hands LV | |
13919 | Frankenfurter | Trans-Kobold | Bastard Lunatic | 50 | DEX 287 | Act VIII | +29 Holy Fine Aegis | Magnetic Orb XLV | i'm am levelling slowly |
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