Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
14169 | Cepheid1 | Talking Pony | Ur-Paladin | 50 | WIS 250 | Act VIII | +25 Banded Custom Titanium Cuisses | Slime Finger LVI | props to #cepheid |
14170 | Cepheid2 | Talking Pony | Ur-Paladin | 50 | DEX 425 | Act VIII | +26 Festooned Cambric Titanium Brassairts | Lockjaw XXXVI | props to #cepheid |
14171 | Cepheid3 | Talking Pony | Ur-Paladin | 50 | CON 316 | Act VIII | +11 Impressive Festooned Plasma Cuisses | Tumor (Benign) XXXIX | |
14172 | TickleMeMattrix | Will o' the Wisp | Tickle-Mimic | 50 | STR 330 | Act VIII | +26 Festooned Gilded Kevlar Cuisses | Magnetic Orb LV | |
14173 | Meelk_Itduza_Bodee_gud | Half Halfling | Fighter/Organist | 50 | CHA 417 | Act VIII | +28 Banded Titanium Gambeson | Clever Fellow XLVI | |
14174 | Superboc | Panda Man | Robot Monk | 50 | CHA 481 | Act VIII | +13 Custom Festooned Plasma Helm | Dropsy XXXI | Yo. |
14175 | Jezter | Panda Man | Shiv-Knight | 50 | WIS 376 | Act VIII | +31 Pronged Venomed Poleax | Hastiness XXXVIII | Vallon Zek for life |
14176 | Eat all the small people | Half Orc | Bastard Lunatic | 50 | CON 405 | Act VIII | +23 Festooned Fine Mithril Mail Vambraces | Revolting Cloud XLVIII | |
14177 | Jaana | Half Halfling | Voodoo Princess | 50 | INT 302 | Act VIII | +24 Holy Banded Titanium Sollerets | Seasick LIII | Fetch me a boytoy! |
14178 | Spidarana | Low Elf | Mu-Fu Monk | 50 | CHA 348 | Act VIII | +26 Vicious Dancing Bandyclef | Holy Batpole XXXVIII | WAFFLES !! |
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