Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
14630 | Darker | Panda Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 50 | DEX 464 | Act VIII | +28 Festooned Titanium Brassairts | Cone of Annoyance XLI | Tao Tao was a wussy! |
14631 | Strom Stonevein | Crested Dwarf | Bastard Lunatic | 50 | DEX 374 | Act VIII | +21 Custom Impressive Mithril Mail Gambeson | Spectral Miasma XXXIX | |
14632 | r3vo | Half Orc | Mu-Fu Monk | 50 | STR 501 | Act VIII | +24 Impressive Gilded Kevlar Gambeson | Seasick LI | im immortal |
14633 | Murkfrae | Low Elf | Mage Illusioner | 50 | INT 398 | Act VIII | +24 Cambric Holy Mithril Mail Gauntlets | Lockjaw XXXVIII | I'm cool |
14634 | Gigerall | Trans-Kobold | Bastard Lunatic | 50 | WIS 276 | Act VIII | +23 Venomed Vorpal Bandyclef | Lockjaw XXXVIII | Long live the revolution. Long live anarchy. |
14635 | XanStorm | Panda Man | Inner Mason | 50 | INT 242 | Act VIII | +25 Impressive Custom Platemail Greaves | Revolting Cloud LII | Where's the +47 penile attachment? |
14636 | Grape Ape | Panda Man | Inner Mason | 50 | STR 467 | Act VIII | +13 Impressive Studded Plasma Cuisses | Good Move LI | |
14637 | mut | Double Wookiee | Bastard Lunatic | 50 | CHA 288 | Act VIII | +20 Studded Custom Diamond Mail Vambraces | Mulligan XLI | |
14638 | Yakmeister | Demicanadian | Bastard Lunatic | 50 | STR 415 | Act VIII | +35 Banded Fine Leathers Hauberk | Aqueous Humor XLV | I choose you, Progress Questachu! |
14639 | Kytal | Half Orc | Mu-Fu Monk | 50 | STR 393 | Act VIII | +15 Holy Plasma Hauberk | Magnetic Orb XLVII |
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