Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
15170 | Nistlin Morscantus | Half Orc | Bastard Lunatic | 49 | INT 329 | Act VII | +16 Festooned Fine Diamond Mail Cuisses | Braingate XXIII | |
15171 | Zaxkanazucualis | Gyrognome | Robot Monk | 49 | WIS 403 | Act VII | +27 Cambric Gilded Kevlar Gauntlets | Tumor (Benign) XXIX | |
15172 | FrostyOne | Eel Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 49 | WIS 443 | Act VIII | +20 Studded Custom Diamond Mail Helm | Cone of Annoyance XLV | Sex and Champaigne make for interesting nights |
15173 | The Masked Debater | Panda Man | Ur-Paladin | 49 | CON 291 | Act VII | +24 Cambric Impressive Magnetic Field | Gyp XLIV | http://www.withauthority.com |
15174 | scrotum master | Crested Dwarf | Mu-Fu Monk | 49 | STR 320 | Act VII | +22 Holy Gilded Mithril Mail Cuisses | Animate Nightstand XXIX | |
15175 | Kanonauthiz | Battle-Finch | Bastard Lunatic | 49 | STR 212 | Act VII | +24 Steely Vorpal Bandyclef | Spectral Miasma XLVII | The bunnies are angry, angry I tell you! |
15176 | Firrox | Skraeling | Robot Monk | 49 | DEX 294 | Act VIII | +17 Gilded Impressive Diamond Mail Vambraces | Holy Batpole XXX | |
15177 | CanadianHO | Demicanadian | Robot Monk | 49 | STR 302 | Act VII | +25 Festooned Impressive Splint Mail Sollerets | Hydrophobia XXVIII | PHUCK U ALL |
15178 | Stormmaker | Dung Elf | Tickle-Mimic | 49 | STR 317 | Act VIII | +10 Fine Impressive Plasma Brassairts | Braingate XXXI | |
15179 | MuadDibBA | Double Wookiee | Fighter/Organist | 49 | WIS 249 | Act VIII | +12 Fine Custom Plasma Gambeson | Gyp L |
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