Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
15515 | BronceWyrmbane | Crested Dwarf | Battle-Felon | 49 | WIS 204 | Act VII | +22 Impressive Holy ABS Vambraces | Rabbit Punch LXIII | Cheeto Bandito! |
15516 | Sundae | Panda Man | Shiv-Knight | 49 | WIS 374 | Act VIII | +21 Banded Cambric Diamond Mail Gambeson | Mulligan XLI | |
15517 | Donnelly | Half Halfling | Mu-Fu Monk | 49 | STR 279 | Act VIII | +35 Cambric Gilded Baroque Shield | Aqueous Humor XXXVII | You are the ones who are the ball lickers!! |
15518 | Haermae | Battle-Finch | Robot Monk | 49 | WIS 254 | Act VII | +21 Festooned Diamond Mail Helm | Hastiness XLVI | Who Dares Wins! |
15519 | Blorty_Blortson | Gyrognome | Hunter Strangler | 49 | CHA 263 | Act VIII | +30 Heavy Vorpal Halberd | Nestor's Bright Idea XXVIII | To Blort! And to live! |
15520 | Ferdy | Demicanadian | Mu-Fu Monk | 49 | STR 344 | Act VIII | +21 Fine Holy Mithril Mail Helm | Sadness L | |
15521 | Interesting Story | Eel Man | Slow Poisoner | 49 | WIS 306 | Act VIII | +27 Banded Festooned ABS Greaves | Slime Finger LIV | |
15522 | Greenfleas | Battle-Finch | Tickle-Mimic | 49 | WIS 306 | Act VII | +20 Gilded Studded Diamond Mail Sollerets | Animate Nightstand XXXI | Little. Yellow. Bitey. |
15523 | One Hundred Too | Double Wookiee | Robot Monk | 49 | CHA 323 | Act VIII | +18 Impressive Studded Diamond Mail Vambraces | Mulligan XXXVI | |
15524 | Pokysharpy | Double Wookiee | Inner Mason | 49 | CON 313 | Act VIII | +35 Polished Pronged Halberd | Sadness LVII | Beware the business end of Pokysharpy! |
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