Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
17610TimoreWill o' the WispVoodoo Princess47WIS 199Act VI+22 Vorpal Dancing PoleaxGyp XXXIIIHow many hoes have you fetched today!
17611PanzierHalf OrcVoodoo Princess47INT 246Act VII+13 Impressive Fine Diamond Mail CuissesHydrophobia XXIV
17612AardvarkianTrans-KoboldRobot Monk47WIS 193Act VII+24 Gilded Banded Titanium GreavesMulligan XXVI
17613SarobaelGreater GnomeMage Illusioner47CHA 447Act VII+32 Holy Cambric Ringmail HauberkLockjaw XXIIIIt's all in your mind.
17614X_BreakerDemicanadianBastard Lunatic47STR 235Act VI+26 Fine Studded Splint Mail VambracesRevolting Cloud XXVIIPh33r.
17615searyodaDouble WookieeVoodoo Princess47INT 260Act VII+32 Holy Cambric Ringmail HauberkAqueous Humor XXXIII
17616suicideWill o' the WispHunter Strangler47CON 227Act VII+23 Gilded Festooned Titanium SolleretsMulligan XXVIIfuck it dude.. lets go bowling..
17617SaftnaseEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk47STR 304Act VII+29 Invisible Polished HalberdDropsy XXVI
17618Gnaargh!Half OrcPuma Burgular47CHA 186Act VII+31 Serrated Steely PoleaxHydrophobia XXXtha butu shratak!
17619ZolteorTrans-KoboldBastard Lunatic47STR 235Act VII+13 Studded Custom Plasma BrassairtsSeasick XLVIIII dream again...

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