Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
17701ArknoHalf OrcBastard Lunatic46STR 356Act VI+28 Serrated Polished BandyclefMulligan XXV
17702AirrBattle-FinchMu-Fu Monk46CON 297Act VI+11 Custom Gilded Plasma SolleretsHoly Batpole XXVSave The Planet, Kill Your Self
17703LaynaWill o' the WispVoodoo Princess46CON 196Act VI+7 Impressive Festooned Plasma GauntletsAnimate Nightstand XIXFeels so good to be so bad!
17704Underwear GnomeGreater GnomeBastard Lunatic46STR 177Act VI+16 Fine Impressive Mithril Mail SolleretsHoly Batpole XIX
17705DieterEnchanted MotorcycleMu-Fu Monk46WIS 251Act VI+8 Impressive Festooned Plasma GreavesAstral Miasma XXIVJustice is not the only right in this world
17706Shit-KickerHalf OrcPuma Burgular46CON 195Act VI+8 Banded Impressive Plasma GambesonInnoculate XXXIIThe Shit Has Been Kicked!!!!!
17707JoJo RonnyBattle-FinchTongueblade46DEX 162Act VI+21 Impressive Banded Kevlar GauntletsSlime Finger XXXNorain prima o poi ti prendo :P HOS Rulezz..
17708AireheadWill o' the WispSlow Poisoner46DEX 164Act VI+25 Studded Custom Platemail HauberkMagnetic Orb XXIXI only exist to dwell in and deliver torment
17709RavvehTalking PonyBastard Lunatic46CHA 159Act VI+19 Holy Fine Magnetic FieldMagnetic Orb XXXIV
17710El CrappoDung ElfBattle-Felon46CON 299Act VI+13 Fine Custom Diamond Mail VambracesClever Fellow XXVWhat the Crap?!

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