Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
17851LansingTrans-KoboldMu-Fu Monk46STR 244Act VI+14 Festooned Fine Diamond Mail VambracesCone of Annoyance XXIXA mind is a terrible thing to taste!
17852BlizzardCrested DwarfTickle-Mimic46CON 214Act VI+23 Cambric Studded Mithril Mail HauberkClever Fellow XXHey what damn is this game?
17853DargauerCrested DwarfRobot Monk46DEX 243Act VI+17 Gilded Banded Diamond Mail SolleretsHoly Batpole XXEat the Fikis!
17854RandalGreater GnomeShiv-Knight46WIS 222Act VI+15 Holy Gilded Diamond Mail HelmHydrophobia XVIIDo you want a nice Vampire Pancreas?
17855Halil the SongsterBattle-FinchInner Mason46WIS 180Act VI+13 Impressive Banded Diamond Mail SolleretsRevolting Cloud XXVGoin' Court'in Goin' Court'in
17856Secret SquirrelBattle-FinchInner Mason46WIS 182Act VI+8 Festooned Impressive Plasma SolleretsLockjaw XXIVFavorite Quest: Fetch me a Cookie
17857Gandalf_TheWhiteHalf HalflingMage Illusioner46INT 267Act VI+24 Festooned Banded ABS HelmTumor (Benign) XXIIIn StratovariuS we Trust!!!
17858lowwallDemicanadianVoodoo Princess46DEX 148Act VI+28 Vorpal LanceInvisible Hands XXVresplendent in his black jewelled battle shorts
17859BongwaterHalf OrcMu-Fu Monk46STR 219Act VI+24 Cambric Gilded Kevlar HauberkBraingate XXV
17860Gigante BuonoEel ManUr-Paladin46WIS 247Act VI+17 Gilded Banded Diamond Mail GauntletsClever Fellow XXXIIIGHAAAAAAAAA!

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