Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
17941snapplyEnchanted MotorcycleTongueblade46WIS 202Act VI+27 Pronged Invisible LanceSadness XXXIVEasier than the bake oven with the same name
17942QManHalf ManUr-Paladin46STR 268Act VI+21 Impressive Titanium CuissesSpectral Miasma XXVISpooooooooooooooooooooon!
17943Geno ThunderhammerCrested DwarfUr-Paladin46CHA 168Act VI+15 Holy Studded Diamond Mail GambesonMagnetic Orb XXV
17944FeltrinaTalking PonyVoodoo Princess46DEX 183Act VI+22 Venomed Vorpal PoleaxHydrophobia XXIX
17945FabarLesser DwarfBastard Lunatic46STR 236Act VI+19 Fine Holy Titanium HauberkClever Fellow XXIIi will be top 10 soon enough
17946Hello KthulhuTalking PonyVoodoo Princess46STR 165Act VI+21 Fine Holy ABS GambesonRevolting Cloud XXVIIIHey! Where's my lunch pail!
17947WoomWill o' the WispVoodoo Princess46INT 290Act VII+31 Cambric Festooned Baroque ShieldAqueous Humor XXIVWisp, wisp, wisp!
17948WhoitisHalf OrcUr-Paladin46DEX 315Act VI+25 Banded Kevlar HelmTumor (Benign) XXIII
17949KayachbeHalf OrcMage Illusioner46INT 232Act VI+15 Holy Studded Diamond Mail HauberkBraingate XXHe who fights and runs away can run away another d
17950SkolosPanda ManRobot Monk46WIS 182Act VI+23 Cambric Festooned Kevlar HelmSeasick XLIkilll da wabbiiiiit!

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