Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
18001HobgobhoblinDung ElfHunter Strangler46INT 205Act VI+23 Custom Cambric Titanium GreavesMulligan XXVIIYou don't know what the fuck you're doing!
18002MaverikkiHalf ManRuneloremaster46INT 326Act VII+24 Banded Festooned ABS CuissesHydrophobia XXXTKT!
18003CrustGyrognomePuma Burgular46CHA 218Act VI+13 Studded Cambric Plasma GreavesAqueous Humor XX
18004Ee-RikkiDung ElfFighter/Organist46WIS 201Act VI+14 Studded Plasma BrassairtsVitreous Humor XVI
18005ChritDung ElfShiv-Knight46DEX 178Act VI+18 Banded Impressive Mithril Mail HelmNestor's Bright Idea XVIII
18006VortraxxxGreater GnomeBastard Lunatic46INT 217Act VI+28 Dancing Vorpal ShortswordInvisible Hands XXVII
18007JaksielDouble WookieeRobot Monk46STR 170Act VI+34 Cambric Studded Tower ShieldGood Move XXXVIBest. MMORPG. Ever.
18008SchlongHalf ManUr-Paladin46WIS 222Act VI+16 Holy Studded Diamond Mail GauntletsGyp XXXVSpoon!
18009QuotalDemicanadianSlow Poisoner46CON 296Act VI+12 Impressive Custom Diamond Mail HelmEye of the Troglodyte XXIXI may be slow, but beware my poison
18010FreakachuTrans-KoboldBastard Lunatic46STR 268Act VI+11 Festooned Studded Plasma HauberkRevolting Cloud XXIX<Insert Witty Catchphrase Here>

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