Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
18010FreakachuTrans-KoboldBastard Lunatic46STR 268Act VI+11 Festooned Studded Plasma HauberkRevolting Cloud XXIX<Insert Witty Catchphrase Here>
18011HilldorkHalf HalflingInner Mason46STR 183Act VI+8 Gilded Impressive Plasma GauntletsInvisible Hands XXXMadder than a schoolgirl with shit on her dress.
18012DitkaCrested DwarfVoodoo Princess46CON 191Act VI+36 Vicious Polished LongironLockjaw XXIVWhat's my name? Say my name bitch!
18013ValeraeWill o' the WispMage Illusioner46CHA 238Act VI+28 Serrated Heavy BandyclefRevolting Cloud XXIXDon't break mez !!!! ooops sorry , wrong game
18014GaradonGyrognomeUr-Paladin46DEX 249Act VI+28 Invisible Polished LanceDropsy XXVIProgress through delectation!
18015TyrionGreater GnomeMu-Fu Monk46DEX 229Act VI+25 Festooned Gilded Platemail VambracesSpectral Miasma XXIX
18016Taselhoff BurfootHalf HalflingPuma Burgular46INT 169Act VI+10 Custom Gilded Plasma GreavesClever Fellow XXIIIOH that is shiny can i have it!?
18017PollyBattle-FinchBattle-Felon46DEX 291Act VI+12 Cambric Festooned Plasma HauberkMagnetic Orb XXXIIIpolly want a f%@ing cracker bitch or ill shank ya!
18018BruceDemicanadianBastard Lunatic46CON 179Act VI+24 Banded Fine Splint Mail GambesonMulligan XXIIII'm Bruce! Who are you, hoser?
18019MrGrimm(NGR)Panda ManRobot Monk46INT 299Act VI+22 Banded Festooned Kevlar GreavesHoly Batpole XXIIII care not for these toys, Oh Look a slinky!!

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