Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
18020GenmaPanda ManBastard Lunatic46WIS 175Act VI+28 Gilded Impressive Baroque ShieldSadness XXXVIIIAnything worth having is worth stealing.
18021QuttEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk46STR 244Act VI+15 Gilded Custom Diamond Mail GauntletsAqueous Humor XXVIII
18022MeepoTrans-KoboldInner Mason46INT 283Act VI+21 Banded Holy Kevlar HauberkNestor's Bright Idea XIXThere's ALWAYS a Templar Conspiracy.
18023ZenthraWill o' the WispTongueblade46CHA 198Act VI+25 Banded Cambric ABS HelmLockjaw XXIVI'm old.
18024JulianaLow ElfMage Illusioner46WIS 170Act VI+12 Festooned Plasma SolleretsGood Move XXIXSo yeah.. I play a lot.
18025Stinky CrotchDung ElfUr-Paladin46CHA 258Act VI+11 Studded Custom Plasma HauberkDropsy XVI have a stinky crotch
18026HikariDemicanadianRobot Monk46STR 314Act VI+23 Gilded Custom ABS GauntletsSlime Finger XXXVIICloning is l337!
18027brobrahDouble WookieeUr-Paladin46STR 267Act VI+29 Banded Fine Ringmail VambracesMagnetic Orb XXXi am the siznit
18028grargioPanda ManPuma Burgular46CON 182Act VI+7 Holy Impressive Plasma HelmTumor (Benign) XXIVin omnia pericula tasta testiculaaa
18029BitchSlappin JooDung ElfBastard Lunatic46STR 226Act VI+26 Vicious Invisible LanceCovet XVIYour ass??? I'M SLAPPIN' IT!!!

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