Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
18031SnipeoPanda ManMu-Fu Monk46DEX 230Act VI+10 Custom Gilded Plasma HauberkHydrophobia XXVIIRebooting is for the weak!
18032LeachreasDung ElfBastard Lunatic46INT 234Act VI+21 Banded Custom Titanium GambesonTumor (Benign) XIXLOADING, PLEASE WAIT...
18033CursedscrTalking PonyTongueblade46INT 198Act VI+20 Holy Banded Titanium SolleretsHastiness XXXVI AM GOING TO SHIT ON YOUR FACE
18034SephirsteinDemicanadianBattle-Felon46DEX 193Act VI+20 Impressive Studded Titanium GauntletsGood Move XXXIIIAwesomeness Ahoy!!!!
18035Hoo MePanda ManMu-Fu Monk46DEX 164Act VI+10 Studded Fine Plasma SolleretsMagnetic Orb XL
18036FuzzBOTEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic46INT 212Act VI+9 Gilded Holy Plasma GauntletsInnoculate
18037PhredGreater GnomeMage Illusioner46DEX 184Act VI+21 Festooned Cambric Mithril Mail HauberkInvisible Hands XXIXFive more minutes, then I'm done.
18038GignisDung ElfHunter Strangler46INT 205Act VI+24 Studded Banded Kevlar GauntletsAqueous Humor XXIX
18039FragglebreathDouble HobbitInner Mason46CON 316Act VII+10 Fine Gilded Plasma GreavesMulligan XXIX
18040SetharWill o' the WispUr-Paladin46CHA 321Act VI+20 Holy Gilded Mithril Mail SolleretsBraingate XXFollow the Light!

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