Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
18478SpellBinder-rabbitPanda ManMage Illusioner46WIS 226Act VI+29 Invisible Heavy LanceMagnetic Orb XXVI/me nibbles on wings
18479RuhemaruDemicanadianBastard Lunatic46CON 202Act VI+13 Holy Festooned Diamond Mail GreavesInvisible Hands XXIV
18480DowntimeGyrognomeBastard Lunatic46INT 165Act VI+26 Custom Platemail HelmAqueous Humor XXVIborn to booze
18481MogoPanda ManRobot Monk46CHA 159Act VI+24 Gilded Cambric Kevlar VambracesRabbit Punch XL
18482TacitDung ElfTickle-Mimic46CHA 247Act VI+9 Gilded Holy Plasma HelmCurse Name XVII
18483mondowanginatorPanda ManMu-Fu Monk46STR 170Act VI+24 Invisible BandyclefClever Fellow XXXIVwang is a meal best searved with tar-tar sauce
18484butt fuck simon james jesusDouble HobbitBastard Lunatic46DEX 244Act VI+20 Festooned Banded Mithril Mail VambracesAnimate Nightstand XXV
18485pony wang drags on the groundTalking PonyBattle-Felon46DEX 207Act VI+19 Festooned Fine Titanium SolleretsMulligan XXVman my dick hurts so bad...
18486kenith winkleyDouble WookieeLowling46CON 245Act VI+9 Cambric Impressive Plasma HauberkAqueous Humor XXIVi hate retards!
18487stupid retard!Eel ManPuma Burgular46STR 251Act VI+24 Gilded Studded Magnetic FieldNestor's Bright Idea XVIImes tartar!!!

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