Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
18487stupid retard!Eel ManPuma Burgular46STR 251Act VI+24 Gilded Studded Magnetic FieldNestor's Bright Idea XVIImes tartar!!!
18488ball man smagma lordLesser DwarfTongueblade46INT 170Act VI+19 Impressive Custom Magnetic FieldInnoculate XXIII
18489No HopeHalf OrcRuneloremaster46DEX 218Act VI+13 Festooned Fine Diamond Mail HelmVitreous Humor XVIII
18490MannyL the MoronDouble WookieeRobot Monk46STR 177Act VI+11 Fine Impressive Diamond Mail HelmGood Move XXXIV2b or not 2B what is my room?
18491Tyra NidBattle-FinchHunter Strangler46WIS 282Act VI+7 Fine Holy Plasma HauberkAqueous Humor XXIXEaT bLAziNg eLeCTRic DeAtH, bITcH!
18492SilvestrionLow ElfBattle-Felon46WIS 166Act VI+24 Cambric Studded Titanium CuissesAqueous Humor XXXI
18493NateDog138DemicanadianFighter/Organist46DEX 198Act VI+13 Banded Impressive Diamond Mail CuissesAqueous Humor XXXI
18494KnightsaberLow ElfRobot Monk46CON 286Act VI+13 Festooned Holy Diamond Mail HelmMulligan XXIVYe all who enter something is something.
18495DearthhaimDemicanadianFighter/Organist46DEX 226Act VI+19 Impressive Studded Mithril Mail BrassairtsLockjaw XXXV
18496nubDung ElfBastard Lunatic46CON 305Act VI+24 Holy Studded Platemail SolleretsLockjaw XXVmy stick is sharper than yours

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