Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
18560 | Sir Loin O'Beef | Demicanadian | Shiv-Knight | 45 | STR 230 | Act VI | +22 Fine Gilded ABS Gauntlets | Spectral Miasma XXIV | Yep, that's a cow alright. |
18561 | WOLANATOR! | Panda Man | Voodoo Princess | 45 | STR 222 | Act VI | +32 Festooned Custom Kite Shield | Hydrophobia XXIX | WOLANATOR! Shits On TWATWARRIAH!'s Face! |
18562 | Natural Lamer | Enchanted Motorcycle | Bastard Lunatic | 45 | CHA 173 | Act VI | +10 Fine Studded Plasma Hauberk | Seasick XXXVI | Fetch me a violet fungus |
18563 | Gegga | Panda Man | Inner Mason | 45 | STR 265 | Act VI | +21 Fine Studded Titanium Gambeson | Gyp XXII | You fight like a dairy farmer! |
18564 | Sarvan | Panda Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 45 | INT 258 | Act VI | +18 Impressive Holy Magnetic Field | Cone of Annoyance XXX | WTF! |
18565 | Madi | Will o' the Wisp | Voodoo Princess | 45 | WIS 191 | Act VI | +18 Fine Holy Titanium Vambraces | Good Move XXXIII | I'm not insane, it's just the pills they give me |
18566 | Keos | Panda Man | Shiv-Knight | 45 | DEX 191 | Act VI | +30 Gilded Custom Ringmail Greaves | Cone of Annoyance XXVIII | blah ! |
18567 | Hermione | Demicanadian | Mage Illusioner | 45 | INT 153 | Act VI | +30 Polished Vicious Lance | Cone of Annoyance XXVI | I saw a Squirrel. He was doin' like this! |
18568 | Ixstala | Panda Man | Hunter Strangler | 45 | INT 180 | Act VI | +25 Venomed Vorpal Spontoon | Hydrophobia XXII | who smokes the blunts? we smokes the blunts. |
18569 | Bob_The_Builder | Demicanadian | Robot Monk | 45 | INT 185 | Act VI | +27 Fine Gilded Baroque Shield | Hydrophobia XIII | Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled |
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