Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
18647Dan_ToNkuDouble WookieeBattle-Felon45CHA 200Act VI+22 Gilded Mithril Mail BrassairtsRevolting Cloud XXIVBe AWARE!!!
18648RedEEmeRLow ElfUr-Paladin45STR 168Act VI+19 Custom Gilded Mithril Mail BrassairtsCone of Annoyance XXVEntrophy Elite
18649WantanabiHalf ManUr-Paladin45STR 227Act VI+21 Custom Banded Kevlar HelmRabbit Punch XLIoh my balls
18650univoxWill o' the WispUr-Paladin45INT 140Act VI+11 Holy Fine Diamond Mail SolleretsLockjaw XXVIIBlow me
18651SystemgudGyrognomeMage Illusioner45WIS 157Act VI+21 Studded Gilded Mithril Mail GreavesSpectral Miasma XXVI
18652ChaosTEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic45CON 214Act VI+16 Cambric Custom Diamond Mail HauberkRevolting Cloud XXXOne Bucket of Pang for the one in Yellow.
18653FrofrododoDouble HobbitRobot Monk45CON 183Act VI+15 Impressive Fine Mithril Mail BrassairtsNestor's Bright Idea XXX
18654wtfhaxHalf HalflingVoodoo Princess45WIS 208Act VI+25 Dancing Pronged PoleaxBraingate XXVT_T
18655SayoriSkraelingPuma Burgular45CON 147Act VI+22 Holy Festooned Splint Mail SolleretsCone of Annoyance XXIXLick my pussy, is 13% alcohol by volume
18656Friar_DuckBattle-FinchMu-Fu Monk45CHA 275Act VI+24 Festooned Cambric Platemail GambesonDropsy XVI

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