Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
18677Siua darkHalf HalflingShiv-Knight45CON 211Act VI+19 Fine Gilded Mithril Mail BrassairtsGood Move XXXIKiss kisss iam the bigest pk in tibia !!! :)
18678Penguin the MightySkraelingFighter/Organist45STR 257Act VI+23 Banded Mithril Mail BrassairtsRevolting Cloud XXX
18679Alexander BugielEnchanted MotorcycleVoodoo Princess45STR 247Act VI+20 Studded Impressive Kevlar GreavesLockjaw XXVI
18680GuzzlergimpDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic45STR 235Act VI+34 Cambric Festooned ScutumGood Move XXXVI
18681KaThoghGyrognomeUr-Paladin45CON 166Act VI+20 Fine Holy Platemail CuissesInvisible Hands XVIIII will kill you untill you die
18682LieithWill o' the WispVoodoo Princess45INT 167Act VI+30 Dancing Polished Morning StarGyp XXXIV
18683tutarenDung ElfVoodoo Princess45STR 167Act VI+5 Impressive Holy Plasma CuissesSadness XXVIIDen med störst tuta tutar högst
18684ShlongTalking PonyTickle-Mimic45WIS 147Act VI+24 Cambric Studded Kevlar GambesonMulligan XXI
18685MelopezHalf HalflingLowling45WIS 175Act VI+26 Pronged Heavy BandyclefRevolting Cloud XXX3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375
18686IHaveToGoShitPanda ManShiv-Knight45STR 199Act VI+9 Gilded Custom Plasma CuissesAqueous Humor XXI

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