Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
18697TsuwakiDung ElfInner Mason45CON 196Act VI+19 Banded Custom Mithril Mail HelmSadness XXXIIEat my shorts!
18698DazzledorfDouble HobbitTickle-Mimic45CHA 146Act VI+19 Festooned Banded Mithril Mail GambesonGood Move XXITo you, a Sharp Stick in the eye!
18699ForollkinPanda ManFighter/Organist45CON 171Act VI+15 Fine Diamond Mail GauntletsSpectral Miasma XXI
18700GoosnarghCrested DwarfRobot Monk45DEX 172Act VI+27 Studded Platemail GambesonNestor's Bright Idea XXIVI R r0x0rZ j00R b0x0rZ!
18701Spec-SiNWill o' the WispTongueblade45STR 163Act VI+34 Steely Serrated BroadswordSeasick XLIIan evil deed is better than a petty thought
18702FabzzDouble WookieeVoodoo Princess45WIS 210Act VI+19 Holy Banded Mithril Mail BrassairtsInnoculate XXVi found a way to play in 3d mode am i the only one
18703CICCIOLODung ElfBastard Lunatic45CHA 152Act VI+22 Custom Titanium GreavesHydrophobia XIX
18704Unreal1SkraelingRobot Monk45INT 291Act VI+30 Pronged Serrated HalberdAqueous Humor XXServe the hive, unreal style
18705unreal2Trans-KoboldBattle-Felon45CON 224Act VI+17 Banded Impressive Mithril Mail HauberkSpectral Miasma XXIIServe the hive, unreal style
18706unreal3Talking PonyTongueblade45STR 218Act VI+23 Cambric Banded Magnetic FieldClever Fellow XXIServe the hive, unreal style

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