Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
18848Harlkyn2Double WookieeBattle-Felon45STR 167Act VI+27 Steely Vicious PoleaxLockjaw XXI
18849DorficaCrested DwarfHunter Strangler45WIS 274Act VI+17 Custom Impressive Titanium GreavesAqueous Humor XXVFashion Police... exterminator of plaid dragons
18850SweetiekinsGyrognomeTongueblade45INT 163Act VI+24 Gilded Cambric ABS CuissesAqueous Humor XXVIA whole new meaning to "tongue lashing."
18851DanuDemicanadianBastard Lunatic45STR 176Act VI+30 Polished Heavy PoleaxCone of Annoyance XXVIII
18852ParalisTalking PonyBastard Lunatic45INT 244Act VI+15 Fine Impressive Mithril Mail SolleretsNestor's Bright Idea XVIII
18853DubbleDung ElfBastard Lunatic45DEX 231Act VI+19 Fine Impressive ABS GambesonNestor's Bright Idea XXVHe always finishes...
18854Tweetie with AttitudeBattle-FinchMage Illusioner45STR 184Act VI+14 Custom Banded Diamond Mail GreavesSpectral Miasma XXXI thought I saw a puddy tat!
18855Yellowtail FinchetteBattle-FinchMage Illusioner45CON 321Act VI+15 Impressive Holy Mithril Mail GambesonMulligan XXIII
18856JoriiiBattle-FinchTickle-Mimic45INT 159Act VI+30 Vicious Polished LanceSpectral Miasma XXdiediediedie
18857JophielEel ManTongueblade45DEX 192Act VI+6 Impressive Festooned Plasma HauberkTumor (Benign) XIX[Ars] For great justice!

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