Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
18857JophielEel ManTongueblade45DEX 192Act VI+6 Impressive Festooned Plasma HauberkTumor (Benign) XIX[Ars] For great justice!
18858SmeengeDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic45INT 209Act VI+9 Banded Festooned Plasma BrassairtsSlime Finger XXX
18859PellTalking PonyInner Mason45STR 246Act VI+20 Cambric Custom Mithril Mail GreavesClever Fellow XXII
18860SchroederDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic45DEX 257Act VI+12 Banded Plasma GauntletsSpectral Miasma XXVIIIEverything in moderation, including moderation.
18861orgranuimPanda ManPuma Burgular45CHA 177Act VI+29 Steely Vicious LanceEye of the Troglodyte XIVIt's all about the Porn Elementals and their Lube
18862MohawkDemicanadianMage Illusioner45WIS 171Act VI+23 Studded Custom Magnetic FieldCone of Annoyance XXIX.
18863Ole Man Fuzzy-NootzPanda ManBastard Lunatic45INT 192Act VI+23 Cambric Festooned ABS SolleretsLockjaw XXIII
18864PidgeotoBattle-FinchFighter/Organist45CHA 250Act VI+14 Custom Banded Diamond Mail CuissesInvisible Hands XXVPidgeooOOOOOOOO!
18865GreywolfGyrognomeMu-Fu Monk45WIS 164Act VI+11 Custom Plasma HauberkGyp XVIII
18866zx75DemicanadianUr-Paladin45DEX 168Act VI+11 Festooned Plasma HelmHoly Batpole XIX

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