Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
18887The Evil DeadHalf HalflingBastard Lunatic45DEX 188Act VI+15 Custom Studded Diamond Mail GauntletsHoly Batpole XXVWhat?
18888XeexoSkraelingUr-Paladin45STR 149Act VI+21 Banded Custom Kevlar SolleretsHastiness XLIOutta my way, chumps!
18889RoscoeEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk45STR 166Act VI+19 Custom Fine Kevlar VambracesRevolting Cloud XXVSlip her the spicy meatball!
18890BakwoDemicanadianBastard Lunatic45DEX 173Act VI+21 Gilded Studded Mithril Mail HelmAnimate Nightstand XXI
18891SirinTrans-KoboldMu-Fu Monk45DEX 198Act VI+18 Holy Gilded Mithril Mail HelmVitreous Humor XV
18892PatheticusEel ManTickle-Mimic45INT 283Act VI+10 Festooned Studded Plasma HelmDropsy XVI
18893JimTheEternallyBoredDemicanadianTickle-Mimic45CHA 205Act VI+15 Banded Gilded Diamond Mail SolleretsClever Fellow XXXIThe "More Charisma Than You" Army
18894Shlur-GathDouble WookieeBattle-Felon45CON 196Act VI+18 Banded Fine Mithril Mail HauberkSeasick XXXVIII
18895codemanwootWill o' the WispMage Illusioner45INT 189Act VI+23 Venomed Pronged BandyclefGood Move XXIXI like swords!
18896AletrosGreater GnomePuma Burgular45WIS 195Act VI+14 Studded Holy Diamond Mail GambesonGyp XXXVI

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