Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
18957Shiva999Double WookieeUr-Paladin45DEX 232Act VI+17 Custom Fine Mithril Mail CuissesLockjaw XXIIIDeath to all Nutsy Nazis!
18958SmirnoffGyrognomeBastard Lunatic45CON 155Act VI+30 Gilded Custom Tower ShieldSpectral Miasma XXVIIph33r the badgers for they shall come!
18959PelegrinHalf HalflingBattle-Felon45WIS 162Act VI+21 Fine Banded Kevlar BrassairtsLockjaw XXVII
18960Silsor the Slayer SlayerDemicanadianRobot Monk45CON 181Act VI+9 Cambric Fine Plasma GauntletsEye of the Troglodyte XVIIDeath to all fanatics!
18961CGChewie of the 1337Double WookieeBastard Lunatic45STR 170Act VI+9 Festooned Gilded Plasma GambesonSadness XXXII
18962shilohDemicanadianTickle-Mimic45DEX 251Act VI+25 Impressive Fine Ringmail GambesonLockjaw XXII
18963ShojiEel ManBastard Lunatic45STR 192Act VI+17 Gilded Cambric Diamond Mail GambesonSpectral Miasma XXXIW00T, 1 @/\/\ 31337
18964Sprigg1Half ManShiv-Knight45INT 187Act VI+10 Studded Festooned Plasma CuissesAnimate Nightstand XVIIGAH! Double GAH!
18965StuDemicanadianBastard Lunatic45INT 202Act VI+20 Custom Cambric Mithril Mail VambracesLockjaw XXVIII
18966Shrike1Will o' the WispRuneloremaster45INT 192Act VI+25 Banded Magnetic FieldSpectral Miasma XXIGaaahr!!!

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