Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
19249 | maldoror | Dung Elf | Bastard Lunatic | 45 | INT 146 | Act VI | +10 Cambric Festooned Plasma Greaves | Spectral Miasma XXV | |
19250 | Deputy Asler | Half Halfling | Bastard Lunatic | 45 | STR 231 | Act VI | +20 Festooned Studded Mithril Mail Cuisses | Clever Fellow XXII | |
19251 | Aerington | Will o' the Wisp | Bastard Lunatic | 45 | INT 172 | Act VI | +26 Banded Cambric Splint Mail Brassairts | Tumor (Benign) XXIV | Pudding Forever! |
19252 | Winkle3 | Double Wookiee | Battle-Felon | 45 | STR 245 | Act VI | +23 Studded Mithril Mail Sollerets | Dropsy XXI | |
19253 | PewptyPantz | Half Halfling | Ur-Paladin | 45 | CHA 235 | Act VI | +10 Cambric Custom Plasma Cuisses | Revolting Cloud XXIII | <^>(O.o)<^> |
19254 | Kragma | Double Wookiee | Voodoo Princess | 45 | CHA 235 | Act VI | +10 Festooned Studded Plasma Gauntlets | Nestor's Bright Idea XVII | Help! Help! I'm being repressed! |
19255 | Luminescent | Will o' the Wisp | Ur-Paladin | 45 | INT 248 | Act VI | +8 Studded Impressive Plasma Gambeson | Dropsy XV | |
19256 | Tickle-Me Chewbacca | Double Wookiee | Tickle-Mimic | 45 | WIS 146 | Act VI | +7 Holy Custom Plasma Greaves | Magnetic Orb XXII | |
19257 | kuro5hin | Demicanadian | Ur-Paladin | 45 | CON 159 | Act VI | +17 Custom Impressive Mithril Mail Brassairts | Eye of the Troglodyte XX | www.kuro5hin.org |
19258 | Smash Daisaku | Demicanadian | Shiv-Knight | 45 | CHA 181 | Act VI | +18 Fine Impressive Magnetic Field | Lockjaw XXVI | Semicanadian, here I come... |
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