Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
19668 | AmBigWillCarry | Enchanted Motorcycle | Battle-Felon | 44 | DEX 262 | Act VI | +9 Cambric Holy Plasma Greaves | Lockjaw XVII | |
19669 | GAME_TERROR | Skraeling | Robot Monk | 44 | STR 148 | Act V | +18 Fine Cambric Mithril Mail Hauberk | Clever Fellow XIX | the game terroriZes |
19670 | Biggertybun | Will o' the Wisp | Bastard Lunatic | 44 | INT 199 | Act VI | +9 Custom Banded Plasma Cuisses | Dropsy XVI | :( |
19671 | Kabanzai | Panda Man | Runeloremaster | 44 | CON 182 | Act VI | +7 Custom Fine Plasma Gauntlets | Mulligan XIX | |
19672 | Bad Mojo | Demicanadian | Robot Monk | 44 | DEX 186 | Act V | +6 Festooned Fine Plasma Vambraces | Braingate XIV | |
19673 | maulster | Double Wookiee | Bastard Lunatic | 44 | CON 154 | Act VI | +7 Gilded Impressive Plasma Gauntlets | Mulligan XVIII | |
19674 | KLAptar BlamTron | Demicanadian | Fighter/Organist | 44 | INT 132 | Act V | +10 Studded Banded Plasma Greaves | Aqueous Humor XXIII | |
19675 | Kanami-chan | Skraeling | Battle-Felon | 44 | DEX 187 | Act VI | +23 Custom Kevlar Gambeson | Aqueous Humor XXII | |
19676 | Kozukiller | Double Wookiee | Mage Illusioner | 44 | STR 165 | Act V | +22 Polished Dancing Bandyclef | Clever Fellow XXVII | |
19677 | Pusher Robot | Low Elf | Robot Monk | 44 | CHA 181 | Act VI | +29 Holy Cambric Ringmail Cuisses | Revolting Cloud XVI | I will shove grandma down the stairs. |
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