Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
20019 | Wankishy Elven | Low Elf | Mage Illusioner | 44 | INT 227 | Act VI | +12 Fine Festooned Diamond Mail Gambeson | Seasick XXXIII | I am Elf. Fear my pansiness. |
20020 | [apathy] | Half Man | Fighter/Organist | 44 | INT 209 | Act VI | +13 Studded Impressive Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Eye of the Troglodyte XIV | Fetch me a carrot. |
20021 | BlackPhoenix | Skraeling | Hunter Strangler | 44 | DEX 210 | Act VI | +14 Gilded Festooned Diamond Mail Hauberk | Clever Fellow XXIII | Evil is hard work! |
20022 | Doctor Skizo, M.D. | Half Halfling | Mu-Fu Monk | 44 | DEX 210 | Act VI | +22 Invisible Heavy Bandyclef | Invisible Hands XXX | Where is my ahnco? - Jacky Chan |
20023 | Faminator | Greater Gnome | Inner Mason | 44 | CON 207 | Act VI | +18 Gilded Fine Mithril Mail Gauntlets | Good Move XXIX | I am god |
20024 | Darvius Al' Mandragon | Dung Elf | Runeloremaster | 44 | CON 178 | Act VI | +23 Festooned Custom Chainmail Gauntlets | Spectral Miasma XXVI | |
20025 | gNader | Half Man | Bastard Lunatic | 44 | WIS 142 | Act VI | +13 Impressive Cambric Diamond Mail Cuisses | Hastiness XXX | er, um... heh. |
20026 | SoftPuma | Demicanadian | Puma Burgular | 44 | CHA 278 | Act VI | +14 Fine Cambric Diamond Mail Greaves | Revolting Cloud XXIII | I keeel your PUMA |
20027 | Metalix | Enchanted Motorcycle | Bastard Lunatic | 44 | DEX 165 | Act V | +7 Gilded Fine Plasma Helm | Revolting Cloud XXVI | who's the sick bastard who inveted the ice capades |
20028 | Bitching monkey | Skraeling | Shiv-Knight | 44 | CHA 212 | Act VI | +20 Gilded Holy Kevlar Gauntlets | Seasick XXVII |
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