Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
20089 | Slick Rick | Eel Man | Puma Burgular | 44 | CON 186 | Act VI | +6 Festooned Impressive Plasma Gauntlets | Covet XIII | |
20090 | Whee Lee | Enchanted Motorcycle | Robot Monk | 44 | CHA 155 | Act VI | +14 Banded Custom Diamond Mail Helm | Innoculate XXVII | |
20091 | Fatdalf the Grey | Demicanadian | Mage Illusioner | 44 | CON 138 | Act VI | +12 Fine Festooned Diamond Mail Helm | Cone of Annoyance XXVI | |
20092 | [JSSD] Kung-Kung! | Enchanted Motorcycle | Fighter/Organist | 44 | CON 156 | Act VI | +19 Fine Cambric Mithril Mail Gambeson | Hastiness XXV | Je va fan! Jag är KUNG! |
20093 | GD Exxy (www.eaxia.com) | Double Wookiee | Mage Illusioner | 44 | INT 188 | Act V | +20 Banded Fine ABS Greaves | Spectral Miasma XIX | Play a real game: www.eaxia.com |
20094 | Atchon | Crested Dwarf | Shiv-Knight | 44 | CHA 135 | Act VI | +12 Studded Cambric Plasma Helm | Covet XI | |
20095 | Lambretta Kawasaki | Enchanted Motorcycle | Bastard Lunatic | 44 | DEX 200 | Act VI | +31 Fine Cambric Pavise | Eye of the Troglodyte XXII | Finestkind. |
20096 | Imrahil | Enchanted Motorcycle | Robot Monk | 44 | WIS 174 | Act VI | +30 Gilded Fine Leathers Gambeson | Invisible Hands XXVI | Believe in yourself, and so enjoy self-delusion. |
20097 | Curo | Panda Man | Battle-Felon | 44 | WIS 170 | Act V | +17 Impressive Festooned Magnetic Field | Magnetic Orb XXX | rock it through the wasteland |
20098 | Nilpunk | Talking Pony | Tongueblade | 44 | DEX 171 | Act VI | +26 Steely Heavy Bandyclef | Aqueous Humor XXV | PONIES! PONIES! PONIES! |
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