Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
20109 | Holywhopper | Talking Pony | Voodoo Princess | 44 | STR 144 | Act VI | +15 Studded Custom Diamond Mail Gambeson | Animate Nightstand XVI | |
20110 | Briann | Demicanadian | Voodoo Princess | 44 | CON 222 | Act VI | +20 Gilded Holy Magnetic Field | Aqueous Humor XXIII | :) You may call me Queen :P |
20111 | Wesek | Half Halfling | Bastard Lunatic | 44 | STR 235 | Act V | +10 Festooned Impressive Diamond Mail Gambeson | Lockjaw XXIII | |
20112 | Gado | Half Man | Hunter Strangler | 44 | STR 145 | Act V | +8 Banded Holy Plasma Sollerets | Cone of Annoyance XXII | Guess what? Yeah you! You suck! |
20113 | Yeast | Dung Elf | Inner Mason | 44 | INT 152 | Act VI | +13 Cambric Plasma Hauberk | Magnetic Orb XXV | Ich willst die nase! |
20114 | Masteri | Half Man | Ur-Paladin | 44 | CHA 167 | Act VI | +5 Fine Impressive Plasma Gauntlets | Sadness XXXVII | |
20115 | Orbifex | Gyrognome | Bastard Lunatic | 44 | WIS 172 | Act VI | +31 Impressive Cambric Kite Shield | Hydrophobia XIX | nihil ex nihilo |
20116 | Squatting Wolf | Half Orc | Hunter Strangler | 44 | STR 292 | Act VI | +24 Studded Gilded ABS Gambeson | Nestor's Bright Idea XV | Mmmmm....Pork fat! |
20117 | Maximian | Skraeling | Puma Burgular | 44 | WIS 152 | Act VI | +34 Studded Gilded Kite Shield | Cone of Annoyance XXV | |
20118 | Joe the Bob | Trans-Kobold | Mu-Fu Monk | 44 | WIS 213 | Act VI | +8 Custom Festooned Plasma Helm | Invisible Hands XX | Kiss my hairy Kobold ass! |
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