Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
20299 | Parasox the Smelly and Used | Demicanadian | Mu-Fu Monk | 44 | STR 156 | Act V | +11 Impressive Gilded Diamond Mail Gambeson | Mulligan XXI | I feel dirty |
20300 | Fock | Demicanadian | Mage Illusioner | 44 | DEX 156 | Act VI | +28 Cambric Fine Baroque Shield | Cone of Annoyance XXI | mmmmmm turtles |
20301 | Demitrius | Enchanted Motorcycle | Bastard Lunatic | 44 | CHA 153 | Act VI | +30 Gilded Holy Pavise | Braingate XVI | |
20302 | Edix | Enchanted Motorcycle | Bastard Lunatic | 44 | CHA 189 | Act V | +10 Cambric Gilded Plasma Gambeson | Clever Fellow XXI | It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you |
20303 | Demono | Dung Elf | Bastard Lunatic | 44 | CON 141 | Act VI | +13 Fine Gilded Diamond Mail Sollerets | Spectral Miasma XXIV | Don't fear the unknown... Be the unknown! |
20304 | Merle | Dung Elf | Battle-Felon | 44 | WIS 267 | Act VI | +23 Banded Cambric Magnetic Field | Lockjaw XXI | Still looking for them Girl Scout panties |
20305 | Monkey Bone | Half Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 44 | INT 183 | Act VI | +10 Festooned Cambric Plasma Gauntlets | Spectral Miasma XXIV | |
20306 | Spankatron | Talking Pony | Runeloremaster | 44 | INT 134 | Act V | +22 Invisible Dancing Lance | Revolting Cloud XXIII | If you're not moving, you're not interesting. |
20307 | Knight_hgc | Half Man | Ur-Paladin | 44 | STR 165 | Act VI | +20 Cambric Holy Titanium Helm | Braingate XVII | Knight_af_sc |
20308 | Norbat | Trans-Kobold | Fighter/Organist | 44 | DEX 117 | Act VI | +19 Festooned Custom Titanium Greaves | Animate Nightstand XVII |
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