Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
20329 | Toxic the Blackhearted | Low Elf | Slow Poisoner | 44 | WIS 163 | Act V | +15 Holy Diamond Mail Sollerets | Spectral Miasma XXI | Death comes to all and I am its guide. |
20330 | Futz | Trans-Kobold | Fighter/Organist | 44 | WIS 231 | Act VI | +20 Fine Gilded Kevlar Cuisses | Good Move XXXVIII | Feel my chords of DOOM! |
20331 | [3gz]fluffy | Gyrognome | Mu-Fu Monk | 44 | WIS 173 | Act VI | +8 Gilded Fine Plasma Vambraces | Good Move XXXIII | |
20332 | Korean Canuck | Demicanadian | Lowling | 44 | INT 182 | Act VI | +20 Fine Studded Titanium Brassairts | Revolting Cloud XXVII | Aboot |
20333 | impiss3d0ff | Gyrognome | Ur-Paladin | 44 | CHA 199 | Act VI | +13 Cambric Impressive Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Clever Fellow XX | I love RJ. |
20334 | jwadroptrow | Talking Pony | Tongueblade | 44 | STR 329 | Act VI | +21 Gilded Studded Mithril Mail Helm | Slime Finger XXXVI | Tuna Taco |
20335 | Terenas | Low Elf | Fighter/Organist | 44 | DEX 263 | Act VI | +22 Gilded Studded Titanium Cuisses | Animate Nightstand XV | |
20336 | Alka Zetser | Double Hobbit | Mu-Fu Monk | 44 | WIS 223 | Act VI | +27 Polished Heavy Bandyclef | Hydrophobia XXIX | Vote Carlo Shonil! |
20337 | chipper | Talking Pony | Hunter Strangler | 44 | CON 201 | Act VI | +16 Custom Holy Mithril Mail Gambeson | Cone of Annoyance XXIX | |
20338 | Naru | Low Elf | Fighter/Organist | 44 | STR 191 | Act VI | +26 Serrated Steely Bandyclef | Hydrophobia XIX | *rips a massive fart* LOL!!11 |
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