Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
20449 | Lullu | Will o' the Wisp | Slow Poisoner | 44 | WIS 166 | Act V | +11 Banded Plasma Brassairts | Seasick XXVIII | |
20450 | Falvel | Talking Pony | Mu-Fu Monk | 44 | INT 214 | Act VI | +10 Cambric Banded Plasma Greaves | Cone of Annoyance XXVI | Madrigan's team |
20451 | Kouzelnik | Greater Gnome | Mu-Fu Monk | 44 | WIS 233 | Act V | +16 Impressive Fine Kevlar Greaves | Cone of Annoyance XXXII | |
20452 | Dizzy Gellespie | Talking Pony | Voodoo Princess | 44 | STR 152 | Act VI | +8 Festooned Custom Plasma Cuisses | Holy Batpole XXIV | How do you suck a f*ck? |
20453 | Choke | Panda Man | Voodoo Princess | 44 | CON 194 | Act VI | +27 Holy Fine Tower Shield | Holy Batpole XXII | Madrigan's Team ! |
20454 | Newton | Double Wookiee | Tongueblade | 44 | STR 122 | Act VI | +19 Impressive Studded Titanium Gambeson | Mulligan XIX | Bring on the Bangbus |
20455 | Falcoon | Double Hobbit | Tongueblade | 44 | INT 163 | Act VI | +31 Gilded Festooned Pavise | Clever Fellow XIX | |
20456 | ShitmanXnumber2 | Gyrognome | Bastard Lunatic | 44 | CON 150 | Act VI | +29 Vorpal Morning Star | Aqueous Humor XVI | beef tits :) |
20457 | Falkor | Dung Elf | Shiv-Knight | 44 | CON 218 | Act VI | +20 Vorpal Dancing Poleax | Spectral Miasma XXV | Falkor 0wnz j00 |
20458 | Minde | Dung Elf | Ur-Paladin | 44 | INT 222 | Act V | +12 Impressive Cambric Diamond Mail Hauberk | Eye of the Troglodyte XVII | Kill me, or this will never stop. |
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