Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
20549 | xblaster | Will o' the Wisp | Runeloremaster | 43 | STR 143 | Act V | +24 Polished Steely Bandyclef | Holy Batpole XVI | |
20550 | bazooie | Double Wookiee | Bastard Lunatic | 43 | DEX 116 | Act V | +20 Gilded Custom ABS Sollerets | Magnetic Orb XVIII | [CDT] But not for you! |
20551 | Aleria | Low Elf | Voodoo Princess | 43 | CON 150 | Act V | +13 Banded Gilded Diamond Mail Gambeson | Invisible Hands XXI | |
20552 | Shinobi Skillz | Demicanadian | Hunter Strangler | 43 | DEX 181 | Act V | +8 Festooned Gilded Plasma Vambraces | Revolting Cloud XXVIII | [CDT] This game gives me the stress! |
20553 | RiverWynd | Greater Gnome | Ur-Paladin | 43 | INT 149 | Act V | +6 Banded Fine Plasma Brassairts | Revolting Cloud XXV | |
20554 | Thestius | Half Man | Ur-Paladin | 43 | WIS 171 | Act V | +8 Studded Custom Plasma Sollerets | Revolting Cloud XXV | motherfucker weeeeeeee! |
20555 | WhatIsTHisGame | Demicanadian | Bastard Lunatic | 43 | INT 158 | Act V | +7 Gilded Custom Plasma Hauberk | Curse Name XIII | Bots Rule!!``````` |
20556 | Shremp | Double Wookiee | Mu-Fu Monk | 43 | CHA 160 | Act V | +23 Cambric Studded ABS Cuisses | Curse Name XIII | Beaf? What beaf? |
20557 | The ArchAngel | Half Man | Ur-Paladin | 43 | STR 185 | Act V | +4 Fine Impressive Plasma Helm | Spectral Miasma XXVI | I am the left hand of God! |
20558 | Karui Kage | Low Elf | Tongueblade | 43 | CHA 147 | Act V | +27 Impressive Custom Pleathers Hauberk | Magnetic Orb XXVIII | The melding of Light and Shadow... |
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