Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
20949 | Kofi Annanbots | Double Wookiee | Voodoo Princess | 43 | CHA 183 | Act V | +5 Impressive Banded Plasma Gauntlets | Good Move XXVIII | |
20950 | Mongo the Merciful | Half Halfling | Mu-Fu Monk | 43 | CON 142 | Act V | +10 Gilded Studded Plasma Sollerets | Seasick XXXVII | Way more fun than Seti@Home! |
20951 | Spooge Wizard | Trans-Kobold | Bastard Lunatic | 43 | STR 186 | Act V | +20 Custom Mithril Mail Gambeson | Animate Nightstand XVIII | I am the terror that flaps in the night |
20952 | Serilyn | Battle-Finch | Voodoo Princess | 43 | CHA 126 | Act V | +14 Holy Impressive Titanium Cuisses | Cone of Annoyance XXIX | Odd... |
20953 | MercurialCypher | Battle-Finch | Tongueblade | 43 | STR 175 | Act V | +19 Banded Festooned Magnetic Field | Aqueous Humor XXIV | I am Carmage Incarnate! |
20954 | Roarak | Battle-Finch | Voodoo Princess | 43 | CHA 133 | Act V | +29 Custom Cambric Tower Shield | Revolting Cloud XXV | |
20955 | xobx | Demicanadian | Robot Monk | 43 | WIS 157 | Act V | +10 Studded Banded Plasma Vambraces | Tumor (Benign) XV | |
20956 | Dark Rider | Enchanted Motorcycle | Robot Monk | 43 | WIS 159 | Act V | +21 Festooned Titanium Gambeson | Gyp XXIII | |
20957 | Gemmie | Half Orc | Bastard Lunatic | 43 | INT 147 | Act V | +19 Custom Fine ABS Vambraces | Mulligan XXVI | Tha mastah |
20958 | Slugs | Low Elf | Runeloremaster | 43 | CHA 178 | Act V | +17 Banded Custom Mithril Mail Hauberk | Hydrophobia XVII | Blood makes the grass grow. |
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