Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
21039 | Lee Dung | Dung Elf | Lowling | 43 | STR 128 | Act V | +21 Gilded Titanium Vambraces | Dropsy XV | |
21040 | Putemtaters | Greater Gnome | Tickle-Mimic | 43 | CON 123 | Act V | +8 Custom Cambric Plasma Gauntlets | Covet X | |
21041 | dm-matador | Half Man | Voodoo Princess | 43 | CON 167 | Act V | +19 Banded Gilded Titanium Sollerets | Hydrophobia XVI | http://www.ldois.com.br/dm |
21042 | Juju Juice | Trans-Kobold | Voodoo Princess | 43 | WIS 131 | Act V | +24 Vicious Dancing Lance | Lockjaw XIX | I love this game, like a dying wookie. |
21043 | devilkytten | Will o' the Wisp | Voodoo Princess | 43 | STR 124 | Act V | +4 Holy Fine Plasma Hauberk | Gyp XXIV | |
21044 | Phildrip | Battle-Finch | Bastard Lunatic | 43 | INT 169 | Act V | +14 Cambric Banded Diamond Mail Sollerets | Cone of Annoyance XXVI | Tweet....Tweet tweet. DIE! Tweet. |
21045 | TheFan | Eel Man | Bastard Lunatic | 43 | INT 175 | Act V | +17 Custom Impressive ABS Gambeson | Lockjaw XXI | Hubba Hubba Zoot Zoot |
21046 | Shi-shi | Panda Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 43 | CHA 140 | Act V | +22 Impressive Splint Mail Gambeson | Invisible Hands XX | I kill you till you dead!!! |
21047 | Kinky Glandhands | Gyrognome | Inner Mason | 43 | CHA 137 | Act V | +21 Festooned Custom Splint Mail Vambraces | Clever Fellow XV | smell my finger |
21048 | Maison Derriere | Talking Pony | Robot Monk | 43 | INT 163 | Act V | +8 Studded Custom Plasma Gauntlets | Holy Batpole XIX | house of ass |
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