Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
21299 | Lochiver | Demicanadian | Shiv-Knight | 43 | CHA 131 | Act V | +14 Studded Gilded Diamond Mail Greaves | Innoculate XIX | |
21300 | Zukarak | Dung Elf | Shiv-Knight | 43 | INT 163 | Act V | +5 Gilded Impressive Plasma Cuisses | Hydrophobia XXI | |
21301 | Smath U | Half Orc | Bastard Lunatic | 43 | INT 135 | Act V | +31 Polished Serrated Lance | Spectral Miasma XV | I'll Smath Uuuuuuuu! |
21302 | Human Target | Demicanadian | Tickle-Mimic | 43 | INT 272 | Act VI | +7 Festooned Custom Plasma Gauntlets | Aqueous Humor XX | |
21303 | pSyChOmAn | Gyrognome | Mu-Fu Monk | 43 | DEX 183 | Act V | +20 Custom Banded ABS Greaves | Animate Nightstand XIII | Rawr!! |
21304 | Cornelius IV of Zaphod | Talking Pony | Bastard Lunatic | 43 | STR 163 | Act V | +8 Studded Custom Plasma Gauntlets | Braingate XIV | God save to little missing parts of donuts! |
21305 | Oha! | Demicanadian | Bastard Lunatic | 43 | CON 240 | Act V | +18 Holy Banded Kevlar Greaves | Nestor's Bright Idea XIX | |
21306 | Toestubber | Double Hobbit | Tongueblade | 43 | INT 240 | Act V | +4 Impressive Custom Plasma Brassairts | Innoculate XXVI | |
21307 | Wizwar | Greater Gnome | Runeloremaster | 43 | STR 160 | Act V | +13 Festooned Cambric Diamond Mail Helm | Spectral Miasma XVIII | My way to hell! |
21308 | whosyourdaddy | Dung Elf | Voodoo Princess | 43 | WIS 166 | Act V | +20 Holy Cambric ABS Vambraces | Lockjaw XV | Oh Man! Im so wasted! |
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