Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23078OnklitookanuDouble WookieeUr-Paladin41WIS 122Act V+10 Custom Banded Diamond Mail CuissesSpectral Miasma XV
23079MorcriCrested DwarfBattle-Felon41DEX 186Act V+19 Impressive Platemail BrassairtsAnimate Nightstand XV
23080ProgressoCrested DwarfRuneloremaster41CON 107Act V+7 Gilded Studded Plasma VambracesInvisible Hands XXI
23081OrwickDemicanadianShiv-Knight41CON 115Act V+15 Custom Impressive ABS HauberkBraingate XVII
23082ZabbacastaDemicanadianVoodoo Princess41CHA 97Act V+18 Vicious Venomed BandyclefBraingate XIII
23083AdareTrans-KoboldLowling41DEX 110Act V+8 Custom Holy Diamond Mail HauberkAqueous Humor XVI
23084Hell_SpawnHalf HalflingBastard Lunatic41CON 189Act V+20 Studded Gilded ABS HelmAnimate Nightstand XVIIIGet yo ass off me!!!
23085Hardhaus BoletryneLow ElfBastard Lunatic41CON 100Act V+17 Studded Gilded Mithril Mail HauberkVitreous Humor XII
23086Kage TatsujinWill o' the WispUr-Paladin41WIS 113Act V+7 Custom Impressive Diamond Mail GreavesMagnetic Orb XXIIILet me show you the Light!
23087SuperbobGyrognomeTongueblade41CHA 108Act V+7 Gilded Studded Plasma CuissesRevolting Cloud XXIIInitial stat sum 98!

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