Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23199xxxakiraxxxHalf OrcMu-Fu Monk41DEX 138Act V+9 Custom Festooned Diamond Mail HelmHoly Batpole XIV
23200Sponsored by Corporate AmericaDemicanadianInner Mason41STR 132Act V+15 Fine Gilded Titanium GambesonClever Fellow XIVtelnet 4444
23201Drugzr BadTalking PonyBastard Lunatic41STR 137Act V+13 Custom Fine Mithril Mail SolleretsSlime Finger XXXIVPooty-Tang
23202AssLickerCrested DwarfBastard Lunatic41CHA 120Act V+25 Vicious Invisible LongswordSadness XXIVLick some ass...
23203King OmegaDouble WookieePuma Burgular41STR 144Act V+17 Gilded Holy ABS GauntletsLockjaw XITo steal every puma in the world.
23204Hermo Jr.Battle-FinchTickle-Mimic41CON 96Act V+18 Custom Holy Platemail GambesonSlime Finger XXXIII[CDT] RB = Roast Beef
23205TaykoffayDemicanadianTongueblade41STR 126Act V+18 Gilded Festooned ABS HauberkInnoculate XXI
23206PeroPeroPanda ManMu-Fu Monk41DEX 134Act V+14 Impressive Banded Titanium GreavesClever Fellow XIII must succeed!!!
23207CrudlaDung ElfSlow Poisoner41STR 109Act V+23 Gilded Splint Mail GreavesTumor (Benign) XII
23208Phil of New JerseyHalf HalflingFighter/Organist41STR 146Act V+15 Impressive Cambric Titanium SolleretsHydrophobia XVGet me to Wisconsin!

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