Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23249MorganusLow ElfUr-Paladin41CON 135Act V+19 Venomed Steely BandyclefSadness XXVOnly dead fish go with the current
23250KibnbitsCrested DwarfMu-Fu Monk41WIS 156Act V+19 Festooned Cambric ABS GreavesDropsy XV
23251SledgeSlayerDung ElfTongueblade41STR 197Act V+7 Gilded Studded Plasma BrassairtsHoly Batpole XIIIFrom the dung... Phear the Tongue!
23252OderryTrans-KoboldShiv-Knight41STR 123Act V+10 Custom Gilded Diamond Mail GreavesSpectral Miasma XVIIIWhy do I bother with this?
23253Bustblister the CrawdadGyrognomeBastard Lunatic41INT 146Act V+17 Fine Studded Kevlar HelmAstral Miasma XIVScreaming trees? Cut 'em all down!
23254GilgadBattle-FinchShiv-Knight41STR 142Act V+7 Fine Plasma GauntletsBraingate XIVI pwn y0u a||!!!!!111!! you=teh suq
23255The last survivor...GyrognomeTongueblade41INT 131Act V+28 Heavy Venomed Morning StarClever Fellow XVIIIPQ2 killed all of my characters...
23256KeveTalking PonyMu-Fu Monk41CHA 114Act V+14 Impressive Custom Kevlar BrassairtsMagnetic Orb XVIII
23257Puqi-puqiLow ElfInner Mason41CHA 114Act V+2 Holy Fine Plasma HauberkHoly Batpole XIV
23258KekseTrans-KoboldPuma Burgular41DEX 138Act V+4 Banded Fine Plasma GreavesAqueous Humor XIV

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