Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23259oden0Trans-KoboldRobot Monk41DEX 166Act V+5 Cambric Holy Plasma CuissesInnoculate XIXGettin' Jiggy Wit it
23260FoliaxEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic41WIS 144Act V+18 Cambric Fine ABS CuissesGyp XVIII
23261oden00Talking PonyTongueblade41STR 130Act V+16 Holy Mithril Mail HelmVitreous Humor XIph34r the pony
23262Eldoth_ShadowfireHalf ManMage Illusioner41CHA 162Act V+22 Serrated Steely BandyclefMulligan XVFind this, find that, I wish I'd find it already!
23263PoulpyTrans-KoboldTickle-Mimic41CON 136Act V+16 Festooned Holy ABS GauntletsHoly Batpole XIII
23264teparisHalf HalflingShiv-Knight41CHA 126Act V+18 Invisible Serrated BandyclefAnimate Nightstand XVIto hell with the dead kill the living
23265FalconlordEnchanted MotorcycleRuneloremaster41CHA 192Act V+16 Custom Gilded Titanium HelmGyp XX
23266OsmokingDemicanadianBastard Lunatic41STR 173Act V+3 Custom Fine Plasma HauberkTumor (Benign) XVII
23267ShippayManEnchanted MotorcycleVoodoo Princess41CON 188Act V+17 Festooned Studded Mithril Mail BrassairtsRoger's Grand Illusion XShippy!
23268koooHalf ManFighter/Organist41WIS 129Act V+26 Custom Holy Leathers CuissesHydrophobia XVIIThe one who reads this is capable of reading.

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