Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23278WolwyvHalf ManFighter/Organist41INT 120Act V+22 Banded Impressive Baroque ShieldLockjaw XXII
23279Cannabis_ManBattle-FinchFighter/Organist41DEX 130Act V+24 Vicious Invisible BroadswordRevolting Cloud XIIIWeed, Good for the mind & the soul...
23280fewfweHalf ManShiv-Knight41WIS 224Act V+17 Fine Mithril Mail GauntletsHastiness XXV
23281MonkeysEnchanted MotorcycleVoodoo Princess41WIS 116Act V+9 Custom Festooned Diamond Mail CuissesAnimate Nightstand XVIScientology rules
23282Bortok the ElmoDouble WookieeTickle-Mimic41STR 138Act V+14 Gilded Diamond Mail CuissesNestor's Bright Idea XIV
23283StormblastDung ElfFighter/Organist41INT 131Act V+7 Holy Plasma CuissesTumor (Benign) XIok
23284SmackDownCrested DwarfFighter/Organist41WIS 198Act V+23 Vicious BandyclefBraingate XIVSPOOOONN!!!
23285MauroneTrans-KoboldFighter/Organist41CON 124Act V+19 Studded Gilded Titanium HelmHydrophobia XI
23286PuffanBattle-FinchPuma Burgular41DEX 103Act V+9 Festooned Custom Diamond Mail GauntletsNestor's Bright Idea XIIKilling all other Hattrick gamerz :)
23287SarchiaponeHalf ManBastard Lunatic41CHA 96Act V+8 Fine Custom Diamond Mail HelmSeasick XXXISARCHIAPONE RULEZ

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